Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yesterday's Gaming

I had one of the most enjoyable days of gaming I have experienced in a long time yesterday. I was trying to analyze exactly what it was that made it so enjoyable, and the only conclusion that I could reach was that my opponents were all pleasant to play, and while we were all trying hard to win, there was no animosity or poor sportsmanship.

I played Dean in a Planet Strike mission which he won by the skin of his teeth because my Space Marines were beaten repeatedly in hand to hand combat by Tau (embarrassing I know), and I could not destroy bastions. It wasn't a problem penetrating the armour, I just could not roll above a 3 once I had done so. Those were some sturdy buildings, I tell you what.

Next was Josh, he is a monster. He is my arch nemesis in gaming. Did I mention he is a monster? Seriously, Josh is like Kryptonite for me. Ridiculous. We played 12" deployment with 4 objectives. It ended in a draw, as neither of us had any troops remaining. I think it is super annoying that if a Wraith Lord goes stupid, you can't just walk away from him, I would love to have the rule added that if locked in combat with a stupid Wraith Lord (ie he rolled a 1 for the turn) a unit gains hit and run. That way they don't just automatically get away, but they aren't mired with a construct that is just standing there. The key point in this game was Josh's Farseer shrugging off 7 instant death wounds in a single round of shooting. What a jerk. Like I said a draw as we both nuked the other person's troops very efficiently.

Finally I played Ory in a Kill Point, Dawn of War game. I used my Night Lord Bike army. They were feeling neglected after the Scions got two games earlier in the day. This game was great fun. Ory is a pleasant fellow, and fun to play any time. Our two armies couldn't have been more different, and I wish I had pictures. Ory had twice as many conscripts as I had total models. That is right at 1750 I had 30 bikers, to Ory's 60 conscripts... plus the rest of his army. I outflanked with Khan's ability, and this thing got messy. I won on KP, but it was awesome seeing 5 of my bikers in the middle of a mass of bodies. The guard were angry too, they rolled a ton of 6's to wound my toughness 5 bikers, but the armorers had done their work, and the ceramite plating of my armour held firm for most of the game.

Thanks guys for a great day of gaming.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mars Themed Lists

I originally posted this on YTTH, but thought it could go up here now.

I have been thinking about converting up a mars themed list for some time and wanted some feedback on my musings.

1 Emperor’s Champion @ 140
Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds

6 Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad @ 526
5 Lightning Claws, 1 TH/SS, Furious Charge
1 Land Raider Crusader
Smoke Launchers

1 Techmarine @ 399
Power Weapon, Servo-Harness, Frag Grenades, Storm Shield, Terminator Honors
1 Land Raider Crusader
Smoke Launchers

6 Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad @ 258
5 Lightning Claws, 1 TH/SS, Furious Charge

6 Crusader Squad @ 162
1 Rhino

6 Crusader Squad @ 162
1 Rhino

6 Crusader Squad @ 162
1 Rhino

1 Land Speeder @ 75

1 Land Speeder @ 75

1 Land Speeder @ 75

Total Roster Cost: 2000

I would convert a Techmarine to be the Emperor’s Chump, make the crusader squads skitarii type models and make the terminator size models praetorians. The speeders would be pretty effective, but I think some converted Thunderfire cannons as MM attack bikes would look even cooler.
ALTERNATIVELY, a vanilla space marine army:

1 Master of the Forge @ 115
Servo Harness; Power Sword

1 Master of the Forge @ 115
Servo Harness; Power Sword

1 Techmarine @ 85
Servo Harness; Combi-Flamer

1 Techmarine @ 85
Servo Harness; Combi-Flamer

9 Tactical Squad @ 245
Flamer; Missile Launcher
1 Sergeant
1 Razorback
Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

9 Tactical Squad @ 245
Flamer; Missile Launcher
1 Sergeant
1 Razorback
Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

9 Tactical Squad @ 245
Flamer; Missile Launcher
1 Sergeant
1 Razorback
Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

9 Tactical Squad @ 245
Flamer; Missile Launcher
1 Sergeant
1 Razorback
Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

2 Land Speeder Squadron @ 140
2 MM/2 HF

1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90

1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90

1 Thunderfire Cannon @ 100

1 Thunderfire Cannon @ 100

1 Thunderfire Cannon @ 100

Total Roster Cost: 2000

This one Marines would be Skitarii, no Praetorians, but I think a pretty huge amount of firepower in a list that is pretty themed.

Anyway, thoughts on both of the lists’ effectiveness and conversion input would be appreciated beforehand as this will be a pretty big undertaking.

Here was Stelek's take on how to make the TFC work: